Q & A よくある質問

Alright! You've decided to give diving a try, but there are so many unknowns and worries... Here are some common questions we get from our customers. We hope this helps ease some of your concerns!

QIs it difficult to get a license ?

AThe content isn't particularly difficult. However, since you can't talk underwater and it might be tricky to balance at first, it can seem a bit challenging until you get used to it. There's no need to rush. We provide personalized and patient instruction at your own pace.

QCan I dive even if I can't swim?

AYes, you can! You don't need to be an expert swimmer to enjoy diving. We'll teach you everything you need to know and ensure you're comfortable and safe in the water. Our instructors are here to support you every step of the way.

QDoes it have to be in summer?

ADiving can be enjoyed all year round! Each season offers its own unique underwater experiences. For example, in winter, the visibility is often better, providing stunning underwater views. Every season has its own charm, so be sure to enjoy diving throughout the year.

QIs it fine alone ?

AMany people start diving on their own, and at JUA, there are plenty of opportunities to interact with divers through various events. You'll meet new people quickly! There's no need to force friendships, but as you continue, you'll naturally find like-minded friends around you!

QScuba diving seems like it could be expensive...

AIt can be a bit expensive! 😅 Diving involves equipment costs, guide fees, and facility usage fees. The expenses can vary from person to person, but some students manage it with part-time jobs. At JUA, we offer affordable plans so you can find a diving style that suits you.

QCan you go diving even if you don't have holidays?

ADiving is possible even as a day trip! Especially renowned nearby is Izu! The waters of Izu are known for their excellent visibility and are simply beautiful, often referred to as a treasure trove of marine life, offering encounters with a wide variety of creatures. There are truly numerous diving spots available, making finding your favorite spot one of the pleasures. At JUA, we focus not only on convenient day trips but also on enhancing your enjoyment with attention to meals and activities.

QCan I go diving during weekdays ?

AOf course, you can join us. We offer plenty of weekday lessons and day trips, so there's no need to worry. Weekdays tend to be less crowded, so we recommend it!

QCan I dive even during rainy days ?

AYou can dive! Rain is not a problem. Of course, the sun from underwater on a sunny day is beautiful, but have you ever seen rain from underwater? Depending on how you look at it, you can turn something a little unpleasant into something fun. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

QCan I dive with contact lentils ?

AYou can do diving even with contact lenses, but we recommend using a prescription mask. Especially for beginners in diving, water can easily enter a regular mask or during training, water might intentionally be placed inside the mask. With contact lenses, there's a risk of them shifting or coming off, which could potentially lead to danger. Therefore, we recommend using a prescription mask.

QCan I scuba dive if I take medication regularly or have a medical condition?

AEven if light exercise is fine in daily life, scuba diving is a sport enjoyed in a unique underwater environment, so it's important not to underestimate it! Depending on the medication you take or your medical condition, there may be cases where diving is not advisable, while in other cases, it may be possible. It's reassuring to consult with your regular doctor about this.


First, please join our free introductory session!

Please contact us by phone or email to schedule a session that fits your availability! We want you to feel at ease and well-informed about our shop and diving activities. If you still have any concerns after understanding them, there's no pressure to proceed. We want you to find a place where you can truly enjoy yourself! 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM appointments are available. Most participants join individually, so feel free to join us without hesitation.